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Can You Bear It?

I was slandered and rejected
And I said "I don't deserve it."
For I hadn't failed my Master
I was faithful in my service

I cried "Lord, how can this happen?
Where's the place where I went wrong?
Could it be I've been mistaken?
Could it be I don't belong?"

But I've had it; I won't take it
You can put me on the shelf
For if it happens one more time, Lord
You can get somebody else

But before I could continue
In my childish little game
Jesus came to gently stop me
That is when His answer came

It's because you really love me
That you've suffered all this pain
For the world can see me in you
But in suffering there is gain

Soon your pain will be rewarded
For you suffered it for me
But there's one more little item
That I hope once more you'll see

It was I who was rejected
It was I who bore the nails
I was faithful to the wishes
Of the One who never fails

So remember when rejection
Comes to visit you again
Can you bear it for your Savior?
Can you bear it for your Friend?

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