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Constant Reminders
While at a grocery store recently, a young man who I once worked with, came by to say hello. After the customary greetings, I asked him if he had been to a popular eating-place in the area lately. You see, every time we eat there, I remember one particular evening when we saw him and his family there. I remember it even more because I didn't expect to see him there on that day. Earlier in the day he had been sick and couldn't make it to work. Now, every time we pass by that restaurant I think of that young man, and since we pass by that place often it's safe to say I won't soon forget him. That same principle is the reason behind our observance of the Lord's Supper. Whether it's the church, bread, cup, altar, or the reading of the scripture, when we see one or all of these things, it should remind us of our Savior. Those who celebrate the Lord's Supper at every opportunity should not find it difficult to remember Him. 
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