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Getting Started
Kim Lineham was a swimmer who held the world's record in the Women's 1500 Meter Freestyle event during the 1980's. While she was competing, her training schedule required her to swim between 7 to 12 miles daily. When someone asked her what was the hardest part of her daily regimen, she quickly replied: "getting in the water." When the Lord told Abraham to leave his family and country to go to an unknown place, (Gen 12) I can guarantee you that the hardest part of the assignment was getting started. Francis of Assisi was once quoted as saying: "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." If you're like me, you'll quickly agree with this advice. Think of the many times when you told yourself: "Okay, I'll just see what I can do" and before you knew it, your project was completed. Don't let the seemingly difficult start keep you from serving the Lord. Move by faith and just get started. You'll see big results.
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