There are many lessons one can gather from the account in the 4th Chapter of John of Jesus having an encounter and conversation with a Samaritan woman but I will only focus on one feature. We read that Jesus, tired as He was from His walk from Judea to Galilee, sat down by a well in Samaria (the midway point) and asked a woman who had come to draw water there, “Will you give me a drink?” (verse 7) If Jesus was God, and He is, we have to conclude that He didn’t really need her to supply Him with water, He was just giving her an opportunity to do something for Him. This is where we differ greatly from Christ; when we ask somebody for help, its because in most cases, we really need it. In the case of Jesus, He asked for help although He really didn’t need it, and most of us, especially the men, will not often ask for help even though we do need it.
We all know some people that throughout their lifetime are used to doing things for others but when it comes to their needs, they just don’t want to bother anybody. Could that be you? Do you find it difficult to ask help from others and does it embarrass you? If you said “yes”, I’m in your group too. Why are we like that? Do we feel like we failed somewhere down the line? I’ve often heard folks claim, sometimes rather proudly, that they never pray for themselves, only for others, and although that may seem to be a noble gesture, how can we even think that God’s resources run out because we’ve already asked too much for our friends and loved ones ? The truth is that we’ll all need help at one time or another. When we do and “asking for it” is not an easy task, lets ask God to help us overcome our foolish pride and do it anyway. Let’s keep this in mind too: Just as it was for the Samaritan woman, we may be giving someone a chance to do something for someone else, and after all, we all need to experience that blessing from time to time as well. We must remember that when we do things for others, especially when love is our main motivation, its as if we did for Jesus. (See our verse for the week)
Just as asking for help from others requires God’s grace and discipline, so the practice of helping those in need is a virtue that only God can teach. Ever since I can remember, I’ve heard people often say that “we cannot outgive God.” The Bible confirms that truth time and time again. Here are two: (Proverbs 19:17) “He who is kind to the needy lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done” and Ecclesiastes 11:1 “Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.” Summing it up, I suspect that giving to others will easier for you than asking for help. "Are you asking for it" anyway?
Verse for the week (Mt. 25:40) “The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Note: Some of you even found it difficult to report that you aced yesterday’s quiz, right?
Greetings to all! Sorry for the late post; I had to go have my taxes prepared earlier today. Needless to say, it was a very taxing experience. Due to my late start, today I’ll just give you a chance to exercise your brain a bit and give you a shorter bible quiz than before. I would not be surprised if the majority of you ace it, and when you do let me know so I can celebrate with you. I hope you enjoy the quizzes as much as I enjoy giving them, but if you don’t I’m sure you know where the delete button is.
1.Not counting himself, how many brothers did Joseph, the son of Jacob, have? a. 8 b. 6 c. 11 d. 10
2.Which two birds did Noah send out from the Ark ? a. Rooster and sparrow / b. dove and raven / c. hen and buzzard / d. robin and cardinal
3.After the flood, what sign did God give that He would not destroy the earth with a flood again? a/ lightning / b. wind / c. earthquake / d. rainbow
4.The wife of which one of these men was turned into a pillar of salt? a. Lot / b. James / c. Judah / d. Ebenezer
5.What did King Solomon ask God to give him? a. strength / b. wisdom / c. riches / d. fame
6.What river was Jesus baptized in? A. a. Nile / b. Euphrates / c. Tigris / d. Jordan
7.What was the name of the prophet who was swallowed by a giant fish? a. Jonah / b. Elijah / c. Ezekiel / d. Jeremiah
8.Which angel appeared to Mary to tell her she would be the mother of God’s Son? a. Michael / b. Gabriel / c. Cherub / d. Melchior
9.What sea did Moses part? a. Sea of Galilee / b. Dead Sea / c. Red Sea / d. Salt Sea
10. What was the name of the man who baptized Jesus? a. Paul / b. John / c. Alpheus / d. Andrew
Verse for the week (Mt. 25:40) “The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Answers: 1. C / 2.B /3. D / 4. A / 5. B / 6. D / 7.A / 8. B / 9. C / 10. B
Many bible readers find the account in the 22nd Chapter of Genesis regarding Abraham attempting to sacrifice his son Isaac hard to understand. To me it is as simple as God testing and measuring his faith and obedience. However, today I want to draw your attention to two particular verses. God had requested that he go to Mount Moriah to offer up his only son, Isaac, in sacrifice to him and Abraham complied. As they walked together up the mountain, Isaac saw that his father had all that he needed in order to offer up a sacrifice except the animal itself. Assuming it would be a lamb, he asked where it was. Abraham answered: “My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering.” (vs 8) Obviously, Abraham demonstrated an exceptionally high level of faith and trust in God just in answering his overly trusting and unsuspecting son’s question. I’m sure you all remember that right before Abraham was about to plunge the knife into his son’s chest, the angel of the Lord stopped him and when he looked up he saw a ram caught in the thicket by his horns, which turned out to be the actual sacrifice. Verse 14 says: “And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: asit is saidto this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.”
The Hebrew word Jehovajireh means “the Lord will see.” Bible Commentator, Adam Clarke says it simply means that “God will take care that everything shall be done that is necessary for the comfort and support of them who trust in Him.” That means you and me! Paul said it this way in Philippians 4:19: “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Many bible readers assume that this promise is confined to material and monetary needs and fail to realize that this includes all our needs, regardless of the type.
Some of you who are reading this blog today are probably not going through something of the magnitude of the dilemma Abraham faced many centuries ago but your situation may be quite difficult nonetheless. From time to time, family or church members have asked about the legitimacy of certain prayer requests thinking perhaps that some of them may be to insignificant to bother God with. I always tell them that if their petition is important to them it is important to God. Whatever your situation; whatever it may be that is troubling and worrying you, never forget that “the Lord will see” to it that your need is provided for. That’s a promise. After all, He is faithful, and He is the God who provides. And if you're not convinced yet, you will be soon.
Verse for the week (Mt. 25:40) “The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
I’m sure you all know some people who appear to know everything on every subject. I bet a name or two may have popped up in your head at this point. Pastor Mike reminded us of this in one of his messages this past Sunday. He focused on Proverbs 19:21, which reads: “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” The Good News Translation of the Bible says it this way: “People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord’s will is going to be done.”
Brother Mike told of a man he met 18 years ago who told him back then that he would buy thirty dollars worth of lottery tickets every week, insisting that one day he would win the big prize. He saw him again recently and found out he’s still buying thirty dollars worth of lottery tickets every week. Obviously this poor fellow has yet to win the big one but if you think about it, if he had started saving thirty dollars a week 18 years ago, he would have more than 28 thousand dollars today, and that’s without taking the earned interest into consideration. The “counsel” the King James Version speaks about is God’s Word, which includes the teachings regarding the dangers and pitfalls involving money, especially the love of it. (See 1 Timothy 6:10) Many people continue to insist on leaning on their own devised ideas, plans, or systems, never taking into consideration what God’s Word says regarding each and every issue of life. Sadly, many of these know God’s Word advises us to trust, seek, and acknowledge Him in all our decisions, yet they choose to do their own thing. (See Proverbs 3:5-6) Here is another verse all churchgoers hear often: ‘There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 14:12) Here again, many are familiar with this verse but continue to live their lives as if they alone are the masters of their own ship.
I admit that money is important and necessary to a certain point, but to love it and think it is going to buy us happiness is foolish. I personally believe that we can only experience true happiness when we find ourselves in the center of God’s will for our lives. The next time we start thinking about the ideas, plans, or decisions we have for our lives, may we never forget to consult with God’s Word first. When we do, we will be safe.
Verse for the week (Mt. 25:40) “The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
In the 10th Chapter of Matthew, we find the account of Jesus sending forth His disciples to their assigned duty. On that occasion, He clearly instructed them to preach, heal, and cast out demons and to do it free of charge. He also ordered them to take no money with them intimating that He would provide for them nonetheless. He reminded them, just like He does all His true ministers today, that they would meet with much opposition and struggles of many kinds just because of their association with Him but not to be afraid because He would protect and provide for them. Even today, all who serve the Lord are encouraged in their work with these words of Jesus: “He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man's reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” (verses 40-42)Jesus referred to His ministers as “little ones” not only because they were precious to Him but also because they were sent out as sheep in the midst of wolves.
Jesus’ Disciples, in those days, knew in advance that there would be much more opposition that acceptance. Even so, they also knew that there would always be some who would gladly receive them and treat them as they would Christ Himself. It is not much different today; there are always a few who will honor and do what they can to provide for the Lord's ministers. True servants of God recognize this and when some person helps them or gives them a gift of any kind, they are very grateful to them for remembering them in this way. They also receive the gift as coming from the Lord Himself. Then they quickly ask God to bless and reward the giver being fully aware that He has promised to do that very thing. In today’s society, many people fail to honor and respect all those whom God has, for reasons known only to Himself, placed in positions of authority or leadership. They should always keep in mind that, even if they personally dislike or are against what these leaders stand for, they should at least honor the position and admit that it was the Lord who put them there. Thankfully, there are still some today who honor and respect all of God’s servants, ministers included.
I encourage you today to do the same. If there are any people in your life that you recognize as genuine servants of God, do whatever you can to make their lives a little bit brighter, to let them know that they are appreciated. When you do, remember also that the promise of Matthew 10:42 is yours as well.
Verse for the week (Mt. 25:40) “The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
The Bible says: “Fairy tales can come true; it can happen to you if you’re young at heart.” No….wait…...that’s not in the Bible; it’s a line from an old Frank Sinatra song. Even so, I believe that being young at heart is a good thing. Yesterday, I saw a news report about a service that started recently which is geared primarily to senior citizens. From what I heard, the service has been around for a couple of years and offers folks home delivery for their groceries, or else involves taking them places or running their errands for them. I thought that was a great idea and thinking I may avail myself of that service in the near future, I started writing down the contact information. Then I thought, “wait a minute; I’m not ready for that yet.” It just may be that the days my wife and I will need that service is right around the corner; but not today!
Recently, we became members at a new senior center in our area and we were excited at the amenities offered, like exercise equipment, classes and activities of all kinds, even a free meal. We thought it would be perfect for us because it would keep us active and in good shape and would even save us a few bucks in the process. After a few weeks, however, we decided that senior center membership was not for us, at least not yet. We left basically because of our still busy and active life style, although we both later confessed that being there made us both feel older than we are. To be honest, now I’m not so sure we’ll ever be joining any senior center. I choose to believe that we’re going to keep on going until our battery just runs out, period. No, I’m not a dreamer, old people don’t need anyone to remind them that they’re old; their own body and other things remind them of that constantly. People use many excuses for not serving God and others, or not living their lives to the fullest, old age should not be one of them.
Moses was eighty years old when the Lord sent him to go lead His people out of Egypt, and when the people of God were being allotted their land portions in Canaan, Caleb came to Joshua and said: “Now give me this hill country that the Lordpromised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said.”(Joshua 14:12) Caleb had his mind set on the hill country for him and his descendants and vowed to drive out the Anakites that were living there. Oh, by the way, the Anakites were giants and Caleb was 85 years old at the time. After the death of Sarah, Abraham remarried and had six sons by his second wife. He was well over a hundred years old by then, and according to Genesis 25:8, he died at the age of 175“ at a good old age, an old man and full of years.” Maybe old age is just a state of mind as some people say, and maybe there is some truth in the saying “you’re as old as you feel.” However, one thing is certain: regardless of one’s age, and as long as we’re still here, we can all do something positive with our lives. Are you “young at heart”?
Some of you may have heard this story which I also shared with our Spanish Bible Class last night. If you have, I hope you won’t mind reading it again. I heard it several years ago and it contains some important eternal truths we all need to be reminded of from time to time. Here is the story: [[ Little Johnny and his sister Sally were visiting their grandparent’s farm for the Summer. His grandpa made Johnny a slingshot which he promptly took out to the woods to practice. No matter how much he practiced that first day, he never came close to hitting any of his targets. Frustrated and discouraged, he started walking back to the house when he suddenly saw Grandma’s pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, and wouldn’t you know it, the rock hit the duck squarely in the head and killed it. Shocked, grieved, and in a panic, Johnny quickly picked up the duck and hid it in a wood pile; only to notice his sister had seen everything. She said nothing but the next day after lunch when Grandma said “Sally, lets wash the dishes”, she replied, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” Then she went and whispered in Johnny’s ear, “Remember the duck.” Sure enough, Johnny did the dishes. Later in the day, Grandpa asked the kids if they wanted to go fishing but Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help me make supper.” Sally replied, “That’s okay Grandma, Johnny told me he likes helping with the dinner.” Again, she went over to Johnny and whispered in his ear, “Remember the duck”, so Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed behind to help Grandma. This kept on going for days and when Johnny could take it no longer, he went to Grandma and confessed that he had killed her pet duck. She knelt down, gave him a hug, and said “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing in the window and saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let your sister make a slave of you.”]]
Though just a children’s story, many of it’s eternal truths apply to us as well. (1) Whenever we do wrong and wherever we do it, God sees it. Proverbs 5:21 says, “For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all his paths.” (2) If you felt remorse and asked forgiveness on the day that you sinned, God forgave you then. (Read 1 John 1:9) (3) We too have someone who snitches on us each and every time we do wrong. It is the devil, and that is why the Bible refers to him in Revelation 12:10 as the “accuser of the brethren.” He would like nothing better than to keep us always feeling guilty and miserable about ourselves because of our past sins. Nevertheless, he can never enjoy any success if we don’t fall for his tactics. Just as Johnny finally did in our story, break away from Him and out of your prison of guilt and shame. If you belong to Christ and ask His forgiveness every time you slip up, you will receive it immediately. The Christian life is a race and we must always keep looking ahead. Lets leave the past in the past.
Memory verse for the week: (Proverbs 3:13) “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding.”
A week ago today, my wife and I attended an event for senior citizens that probably attracted 500 or more people. We arrived a few minutes before the program began but even so, not much parking space was available. When we noticed saw some cars parking in an adjacent lot, we looked for our spot there too. Once parked, I noticed several signs which read that it was private church property and that any vehicle parked there not belonging to it’s members or those attending the church service would be towed. I quickly glanced at the entrance of the building and sure enough, the name of the church was right above it. Even though I thought that they probably wouldn’t mind if cars parked there on non-church days, I decided to look for parking elsewhere. I’m glad we did because bout an hour into our seniors event, I noticed some commotion and soon after saw many people get up and leave. Someone had come inside to announce that cars were being towed from the adjacent lot. Of course, I was relieved that we had moved away, but as I thought about the situation I said to myself, “that church has just sent many people here a message, but it certainly isn’t the right one.”
Throughout the many years in the ministry, I have heard countless testimonies of people who have left their church because of a bad experience they had with the pastor, or with a member, or with the church in general; maybe you have too. Sadly, many of these quit attending church altogether. In the case of the church in our story, I didn’t notice but I hope “community church” was not part of it’s the name because it was definitely not friendly to the community. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:24 KJV: “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly” and in outlining the qualifications of a bishop, (pastor) Paul told Timothy that, among other things, “he must have a good report of them which are without”, in other words, a good reputation with outsiders. (1 Tim. 3:7) These guidelines apply to churches as well.
Individual believers, as well as churches, have a responsibility to be like Christ, and it is not a matter of being perfect but making a sincere effort to treat others as He would treat them. We have to remember that the only exposure some people will have to the gospel is the one they see portrayed in the lives of God’s people. If we behave more like the devil’s children than God’s, we will be driving people away from Christ, not to Him. It can begin with something as simple as being friendly. Many churches and it’s members have been the reason some people don’t want anything to do with any church, pastor, or Christian, and will have a lot of explaining to do on the day we all stand before Christ. Lets not be them.
Memory verse for the week: (Proverbs 3:13) “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding.”
No, today’s blog is not about the song of the Disney movie, “Frozen”, that probably drove millions of parents batty recently; it is about grudges. I’ve been a sports enthusiast ever since I can remember and especially love basketball, baseball, football, and boxing. I used to listen to the radio program of a syndicated national sports talk host as often as I had the chance. I’m not a namedropper so I won’t give you his name. What I will tell you, however, is that, despite really liking his radio show, I finally stopped listening when I could no longer take his incessant bashing of any athlete who made a mistake or else one he just was never a fan of. To give you an example, he used to refer to the Spurs’ David Robinson as the “Little Mermaid” because he was “too soft” and not mean or aggressive enough to his liking, not because it was Robinson’s favorite movie. And once he got on somebody’s case, he would keep hammering away at them, sometimes for an hour, with a steady, non-stop stream of salty remarks. If there is a dictionary for phrases, his picture should appear right next to the phrase, “beating a dead horse.”
We all know people who hold grudges for a long time, who find it really hard to “let it go” when someone has hurt or offended them. They keep bringing it up, often not stopping until they have proved their point or else until they know they have hurt the one that hurt them. They may not realize it, but people who hear them continually bash those who offended them, or else can plainly notice their relentless retaliation tactics, get pretty tired of being witnesses to that silly little game. I know I used this verse recently, but since it fits the occasion, here it is again: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.” (Romans 12:17)
Dear reader, if someone has hurt or offended you, do yourself a big favor and “let it go.” Do yourself a bigger favor still, by repaying evil with kindness. Proverbs 25:21-22 gives us this sage advice: “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” To put it more simply, this means that when we do a kind thing for those who have offended us, and not retaliate as they he may have expected us to, we will very likely shame them and make them feel badly for what they did to us. This biblical method not only works better than any retaliation tactic we may draw up, it will free us, in the process, from any bitterness that can poison us on the inside. God’s way is always the best way. Let it go!
Memory verse for the week: (Proverbs 3:13) “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding.”
I used to wonder why it was that when I was in church it seemed my mind was much clearer regarding personal issues as well as my understanding of matters that friends and loved ones were facing. Then one day it hit me as I was reading Psalm 73. The author of it is Asaph, one of the leaders of David’s choir, who also wrote about a dozen psalms altogether. In it he speaks of a feeling of consternation when he thought of the apparent prosperity and good fortune of the wicked. As many of us, he thought it unfair that the wicked would enjoy the best that life had to offer while godly people went through hard times. The more he thought about the matter, the more he became angry and envious about it. As many of us often do in certain issues of life, Asaph wanted to know why God would allow these things to happen. That is why he wrote in verse 16, “When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me.” Keep in mind, however, that verse 16 was only half of the sentence; the second part (vs 17) was: “till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.” Obviously, his mood and mindset changed dramatically once he entered the sanctuary. Why was that?
Regarding this matter, my favorite bible commentator, Matthew Henry, wrote: [“There are many great things, and things needful to be known, which will not be known otherwise than by going into the sanctuary of God, by the word and prayer.”] This simply means that in the sanctuary, (church) the Word of God (truth) is taught and preached and prayers are lifted up causing those in attendance to be more aware of God’s presence. Once mindful that we are in His presence, we block out, even forget, the things out in the world with it’s way of thinking. This is what happened to Asaph. Once he was in the presence of the truth, he understood that, because of their eternal destiny, the seemingly prosperous ungodly people are rather to be pitied than envied.
What does that mean to you and me? It reminds us of the importance and need of being around the truth as much as we can. Quite naturally, it means church attendance, but it may also include more prayer, bible study and reading, or seeking any source that will provide us with God’s Word. Got any issues you do not understand and want to know the answers? I hope that now you know where you can find them.
Memory verse for the week: (Proverbs 3:13) “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding.”
There is a very interesting and enlightening story in the 12th Chapter of the book of Acts regarding the Apostle Peter. King Herod imprisoned him with designs to have him executed just like he had done previously to James, the brother of John. While he was in prison, some followers of the new Christian movement were gathered to pray for his deliverance and one night an angel of the Lord, despite the fact that Peter was chained and sleeping between two guards, came and freed him. Peter thought he was having a vision and, after passing all the different guard stations, he suddenly found himself all alone out in a street some distance from the prison. Finally, Peter said to himself “Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating.” (Acts 12:11)
The feature of the story that I felt led to call your attention to today was the fact that, on that day and hour, Peter was a free man and didn’t know it. His being in the dark regarding his freedom was momentary, but in the case of many believers today it can last for years, even a lifetime. Many Christians find it hard to believe that they are really free from condemnation although the Bible states quite clearly in Romans 8:1 that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. And many have fallen victim to the devil’s lies and accusations. He is a master at reminding people of their past and convincing them they’ll never be worthy of Heaven. It is no wonder that the Bible calls him “the father of lies” and “the accuser of the brethren.” The truth is that nobody is worthy of salvation. If only sinless people went to Heaven, it would be completely empty today. Salvation is by grace, and it has never depended on us but on Christ. It is not a matter of us holding on to Him, but Him holding on to us, and because He does, our salvation will always be secure. Jesus said: “And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither can anybody pluck them out of my hand.” (See John 10:28) Christ did not come into this world to condemn, but to save; (see John 3:17) and all God’s children have been freed from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2)
Dear reader, if you have committed your life to Christ but have been struggling for a long time with the uncertainty of your salvation, break off today and consider yourself free and a with a guaranteed place in Heaven someday. The reason I urged you to consider yourself saved, heaven bound, and free from condemnation, is because you are, whether you believe it or not. Stop believing the lie that you are not worthy of Heaven, and remember that nobody is. From this day forward, start believing the truth. Now, if you’re going to worry about something, may the issue of your salvation not be one of your worries.
Memory verse for the week: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Note: Please pardon the late post; we had some commitments to keep earlier today.
We’ve all heard, maybe even have known people who have taken a rap for a friend, and have paid a big price for it. That occurrence is not as rare as you may imagine. In fact, it started in the Garden of Eden with Adam, not only taking the rap for Eve’s disobedience and sin, he was foolish enough to join her as well. When God came looking for an answer, He did not go to Eve first, but to Adam and asked him, “have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? (Genesis 3:11) We will never know on this side of Heaven how things may have been if only Adam had reacted differently, if he had refused to join her and would have told her something like, “Eve, what have you done? Do you realize you just disobeyed God and that He will now come looking for me to give Him an explanation?”
The sad truth is that we all know people who, like Adam, continue to take the rap for a friend or loved one who is clearly doing things God will never approve of. Many of these rap-takers are suffering with a bad case of blind loyalty and instead of recognizing that when we really love our friends and loved ones, we will always bring it to their attention when they do wrong or offend others. Some hesitate to bring a friend or a loved ones faults to their attention for fear their relationship will suffer, but loyalty and dedication to God and to the truth should be greater than any devotion we may have for a friend or a loved one. Jesus said in Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” I think we all know some rap-takers whose testimony and effectiveness in their service to God has suffered greatly merely by being associated with wrongdoers, and all their fasting, praying, and service to God will not get them off the hook. If people are convicted merely by being in the company of one who commits a crime, should we not expect others to convict us in their mind when we constantly associate ourselves with wrongdoers?
If we see a friend or a loved one, especially one who professes Christ, do or say something which is clearly wrong, may the Lord give us the courage and grace to speak up. When we do, we will really be helping them and will honor God in the process. The Bible says in Proverbs 27:6 that “the wounds of a friend are faithful.” The truth is we all need that kind of person in our life, one who will speak up and show us when we slip or slide. If we don’t have such a person, we should insert that petition in the top of our prayer list. I’ve had people like that in my life before and, to be honest, I really miss them because I don’t feel I have as many today. Instead of taking the rap for someone’s misdeeds, maybe it will be better if we rap them on the head for Jesus. And may we not get offended or huffy if and when somebody has to rap us on the head.
Memory verse for the week: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Have you ever been told you’re not good enough, that you don’t have what it takes? In life it happens over and over again. Tony Bennett, one of my favorite singers, was once told he didn’t have the voice to make it in the music business. Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player of all time was cut from his high school team as a sophomore because he wasn’t big enough or good enough to play with the varsity squad. Abraham Lincoln, who most people consider America’s greatest president, was ridiculed and criticized so often and so ruthlessly he once said it made him feel like a dog. When he delivered one of the most heart-stirring speeches of all time, the Gettysburg Address, most journalists of his day criticized it as being unworthy of the solemn occasion. Apparently, all these were more than good enough.
There was a man in the Old Testament by the name of Jepthah. One day his half-brothers ran him away from his home in Gilead because, being the son of a prostitute, he wasn’t good enough to be a member of the family or have any part in the inheritance. While living in another region, Jepthah became a great warrior and acquired many followers. When the Ammonites attacked Gilead, their leaders came looking for Jepthah to be the commander of their army. After he led them in victory over their enemies, not only was he good enough then to be a member of any family, they even made him the ruler of all Gilead. In the end, who determines who is good enough and who isn’t? It is God!
I am reminded of a story many of you are familiar with. It is about a woman who yearned to become a member of a very exclusive church in her city. Confronting the pastor or it’s leaders about the possibility of becoming a member, they all kept giving her the traditional “don’t call us we’ll call you” line. She finally gave up and one night, with a broken heart she cried to God telling Him how badly she had wanted to join and they never let her in. He replied: “Don’t feel badly my child, they’ve never let me in either.”
Child of God, don’t believe it when somebody tells you you’re not good enough, that you don’t have the talent or the intelligence or the voice or the brains; you can probably guess who’s behind all that. Anybody can have one or all of these things, but if they don’t have the heart, it’s as if they have nothing at all. Believe instead what God says about you: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9)It matters little if you’re not good enough for others, as long as you’re good enough for God.
Memory verse for the week: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
In high profile sports events such as a Super Bowl or and NBA Championship, the opposing teams are so evenly matched that the outcome is often determined by one particular play or even a supposedly bad call by an official. When the latter occurs, great controversy and much loud squawking arises because of it and continues long after the game, sometimes even becoming part of history. When the coach of the losing team is honest and level headed he will quickly explain that although the game’s outcome seemed to be determined by one notable play, his team made other bad calls and plays, or else made other poor decisions during the game that the outcome should not have hindered on one play alone. In other words, there were many other factors that led up to that loss.
It is that way in life as well and here is just one example: We’ve heard time and time again of people who want to sue a doctor or a hospital because their loved one died because of their neglect or one operation gone wrong. No one took into consideration the fact that the one who died himself had a long pattern of neglect regarding his or her health. Sometimes, people will die simply because they refuse to take their prescribed medication. In the 22nd Chapter of Ezekiel, God told the prophet that the judgment that was soon coming upon Jerusalem was self-inflicted. It reminded me of this great spiritual truth: No one can blame his troubles on someone else. Earlier, these same Israelites had used this lame excuse: Our father ate sour grapes and our teeth are set on edge. (Ez. 18:2) Many ages have come and gone, and people are still the same. Often, we want to believe that some situation or person other than ourselves, is to blame for our frustration, misery, or unhappiness. That is not true! From the beginning of time, God revealed this truth to Cain: If you do what is right, you will be accepted. If not, sin is crouching at your door. (Gen. 4:7) You see, after he became an outcast for killing his brother, Abel, he had the audacity to complain to God that his punishment was greater than he could bare, (Genesis 4:13) yet God had warned him before the fact and Cain ignored Him.
It is common to hear people everywhere blame their troubles on something or someone else, and it is no longer rare to hear celebrities claim all of a sudden that they were abused as children, in most cases revealing their stories long after their parents’ deaths. If we are God’s children, lets be different. Let us not forget that, in the end, our lives are led, ordered, and guided by God. Nothing can ever happen to us that He does not know about, even in advance, and our future depends on Him and no other. Lets not play the blame game.
Memory verse for the week: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Today’s blog is about names. In William Shakespeare’s “Romeo And Juliet”, this line from Juliet highlights an age old truth: “What's in a name? that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.” In other words, we can call a rose a tulip, but its still going to be a rose. Here, we can borrow this oft-repeated line by many sports heroes when being interviewed: “It is what it is.” One can dress a gorilla in a yellow ballerina outfit and place a pink bow on it’s head, and may even teach it to dance ballet, but it will still be a gorilla. I don’t know if you are like me on this matter, but when it comes to people I know, often I will search the meaning of their name just to see if it fits their personality. Last Monday I wrote that Martha’s name (sister of Mary and Lazarus in the Bible) means bitter and provoking. In her case, it seemed like the parents knew something about her in advance. I believe that in most cases, however, the opposite holds true.
I got the idea for this blog a few days ago when I read an article about some very odd names of churches around the U.S. Here are but a few: Run For Your Life Chapel (I wonder if that will make people run to or from that church) Givers Never Lack Church (Its pretty clear what this church focuses on) Flippin Church Of God (I hope that’s the name of the town) Boring U.M. Church (Same here) Half Way Baptist Church (I wonder if they changed the hymn “I surrender All” to “I surrender half”) There are many, many more but I think you get the picture and I bet you can think of a few odd church names right here in our area.
I don’t see anything wrong with the practice but I bet you have also noticed that some churches have changed their names to better relate to the general public, many even dropping the name of the denomination. It was never my idea, but when we started ours we added “gospel church” to it to let the world know that we would preach the gospel. Our name is still registered as such, although I prefer just “Saved By Grace Church.” The established churches which have changed their name have added words such as “fellowship”, “worship center”, “bible church”, “family church”, and one which is very popular, “Community church.” Many new ones, on the other hand, have attached certain words to their name they feel will either attract or else characterize their nature. Among these words, are “spiritual” or “spirit filled”, “awakening”, “celestial”, “harvest”, “godly love”, “radiant”, “anointed”, and “jubilee.”
Names, including those we choose, are important. As far as churches are concerned, their name alone may draw people to it, and assuming it stands for something good, they have to make a sincere effort to live up to it because many of them don’t. For example, I know of many churches who have the word “grace” as part of their name, and yet their general message denies it. To conclude, we must remember that the world will always associate us with the name of Christ, assuming we conduct ourselves as such. We, therefore, have a serious responsibility to try to uphold the honor and dignity of that great name.
Memory verse for the week: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
The late comedian, Rodney Dangerfield, made a lot of money in his lifetime with his “I get no respect” stand-up routine. I suppose he had hundreds of one liners but just to give you an example of his “I get no respect” jokes, here are a few of them: “I worked at a pet store and people would ask how big I would get” ,“My father carries around the picture of the kid who came with his wallet”, “I looked up my family tree and found three dogs using it”, and “On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me.”
I hope you’ll excuse the corny intro, but I’m using it as a springboard to today’s topic about some people or things that get no respect but should. The thought to write on this matter actually came a few days ago when we saw a young lady texting while driving on the freeway on a cold and rainy day. I’ll be generous and say that most people instinctively slow down and drive cautiously on major thoroughfares when the roads are slick or icy, not her. Is it unusual to see cars on the side of the road that have crashed on such days? Do you know what the underlying cause is? The violators have no respect for the elements. What about people who drive recklessly and never heed traffic rules or signs? Obviously, they have little or no regard for the laws or the authorities. In many of these cases, these irresponsible motorists develop a healthy respect for these things after it has cost them dearly. I hope I haven’t bored you but I’ll repeat a favorite adage of mine: “It is better to learn from others’ mistakes than to learn them first hand.” It is a very wise thing to respect anything or anyone who is powerful, and just plain idiotic not to, especially when dealing with the mightiest One of all, the Lord Himself. Proverbs 1:7 says: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 9:10 adds: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” To sum these up simply, it means wisdom and knowledge in our lives begin with having a healthy respect and fear of God. When we do, we’ll be wiser and more knowledgeable in all other areas of life.
Two instances in the Bible regarding the fear of God and the lack thereof, ironically involve David, one directly and the other indirectly. In the first, David had a chance to kill King Saul, who tried on many occasions to kill him. Unknowingly, Saul went in unarmed to the cave where David and his men were hiding, and although David’s men prodded him to kill Saul, he told them there was no way he would touch the Lord’s anointed. (See 1 Samuel 24) David obviously refrained because of his healthy fear of the Lord. In the second, two men who were in David’s transport of the Ark of God to Jerusalem were in charge of the wagon the Ark was in and one of them thought it was no big deal to grab hold of it when the oxen stumbled. As soon as he did, the Lord struck him dead. (See 2 Samuel 6) In this case, a man who had no business holding God’s Ark in the first place died because he had no fear or respect of it. Remember this corny infantile joke?: One asked his friend, “What do you get when you cross a tiger with a parrot?” The other says he doesn’t know and then the first replies, “neither do I but if he talks, you better listen!” When God speaks, whether in the Bible or during our prayer time with Him, it behooves us not only to listen, but to act upon it.
Memory verse for the week: (2 Timothy 2:24) “And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
We were on our way to church a few days ago when I spotted a man walking up the street who was either a security guard or private police officer. He was tall, muscular but lean, and very neatly dressed. I confess that my initial thought when I saw him was “Now, that, is what a police officer should look like!” I immediately recognized the flaws in my perception of him and remembered the age old truth we all know, that “looks can be deceiving” and “you can’t always judge a book by it’s cover.” I remembered the many times I’ve made the opposite assessment in my mind, especially when it concerns police or all other members of law enforcement, telling myself that they are either too old or else too out of shape to do anybody any good. It may very well be that the security officer I saw on that day is a good representative of all those who are in his craft; I certainly hope so. On the other hand, it is possible he just may be one more disappointment.
My mistake was one even those that should know better commit on a regular basis. The Bible shows how the great prophet and priest, Samuel, did just that on two occasions. The first was when he saw Saul for the first time whom the Lord instructed him to anoint him as the king His people had been clamoring for. Regarding Saul, the Bible tells us in 1 Samuel 9:2 that he was “as handsome a young man as could be found anywhere in Israel, and he was a head taller than anyone else.” Perhaps his first thought when he saw Israel’s first king was, “Wow, the Lord sure knows how to pick em!” Unfortunately, and as we all know, Saul turned out to be a flop. The second time Samuel was deceived was when the Lord sent him to anoint the succeeding king who would come from the house of Jesse, a Bethlehemite who had eight sons. When the oldest son was brought to him , Samuel saw a tall, good looking man and thought “this must be the one” but immediately the Lord told him “do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) In the end, the one who was chosen was the youngest, and least likely in the eyes of many, David.
What does that have to do with you and me? Well, it just may be that others may “see” that we are not young, good looking, capable, or intelligent enough to do the things the Lord has called us to do. I’ll never forget the day when a fellow worker of mine pointed out an approaching man as a well known lawyer. I remarked “he certainly doesn’t look like a lawyer” and he immediately replied, “relax, you don’t look like a pastor either.” You would have thought I learned my lesson, right? Anyway, lets keep on living for Jesus and do what the Lord has called us for, even if we don’t look like one of His servants. May we never forget that God looks at the heart.
Memory verse for the week: (2 Timothy 2:24) “And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
The meanings a dictionary gives to certain words sometimes seem to fall short and don't always satisfy me. One such word is “loyalty.” Sometimes, we can better understand certain words when we hear what others have to say about them. In the case of loyalty, one anonymous person said: “If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t follow. I’d be at the bottom to catch them when they fall.” Here are two more anonymous quotes: “A loyal friend is one who loves you more than he loves himself ” and “In my life, my most loyal friends have been dogs.” My personal favorite quote depicting loyalty, however, came from none other than Winnie the Pooh, when he told Christopher Robin, “If you live to be a hundred, I hope I live a hundred minus one day, so I don’t have to live without you.” I’m just a corny and incurably sentimental old geezer because just picturing that scene in my mind brings a tear to my eyes.
I take this bible verse as a reminder to be loyal: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart” (Proverbs 3:3) and whenever I think of the word “loyalty”, several people immediately come to my mind, some in the bible, some in my life, some living, and some now with the Lord. One such biblical figure was Ruth. Naomi, her mother in law, years after her own husband and her two sons died in Moab, was leaving and going back to Bethlehem. Ruth, as well as Naomi’s other daughter in law, Orpah vowed to go with her. Naomi pleaded with them to stay in Moab and try to find husbands and make their own lives there claiming she had nothing to offer them. Orpah agreed and stayed behind but Ruth, in one of the best known passages in the Bible, told her: “Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” (Ruth 1:16) You can call that love, faithfulness, or devotion; I choose to call it loyalty.
Another loyal biblical figure was Ittai, a foreigner who chose to follow David and convinced 600 of his fellow Philistines to do the same. On the day when David was fleeing from his son Absalom, David tried to convince Ittai to go back to his own country and take his men with him, suggesting he was not bound or obligated to continue following him. Ittai replied: “As surely as the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be.” (2 Samuel 15:21) Now, that, is loyalty! If you have such a person in your life, you are blessed indeed and should be very grateful to God for it. On the other hand, can you honestly say you yourself are loyal to your spouse, friends, or loved ones? I hope you can because we’ve all known many who are not. On the bright side, however, all of God's children have at least One who will never leave or forsake them.
Memory verse for the week: (2 Timothy 2:24) “And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
I heard this story many years ago: A young man walked into a convenience store and asked the manager if they had a pay phone. He pointed to the corner where the phone was, which happened to be in the area where the manager was about to sweep. The young man dropped the coins into the slot and when they answered on the other line, he said in the deepest voice he could produce, “Uh, sir, could you use an honest, hardworking young man to work for you?” After a brief moment, he said, “Oh, you already have an honest, hardworking young man working for you? Well, okay, thanks just the same.” When he hung up the phone, he left humming a tune and with a broad grin on his face. The manager of the store called out to him, "Hey, just a minute! I couldn't help but hear your conversation. Why are you so happy? I thought the guy said he already had somebody and didn't need you?" The young man smiled. "Well, you see, I am the honest, hardworking young man. I was just checking up on my job!"
Obviously, to this young man, what others thought about him was important. So often, we hear many people boast that they couldn’t care less what others think or say about them. Unfortunately, we’ve also heard these words coming from the lips of many who profess to be Christians. In most of these cases, I perceive it is just a copout or another way for people to justify themselves for any inconsistencies in their lives or to have others believe it is no big deal. Peter gave this sobering advice in his first epistle to the church: “Be happy if you are insulted for being a Christian, for then the glorious Spirit of God will come upon you. If you suffer, however, it must not be for murder, stealing, making trouble, or prying into other people's affairs.” (1 Peter 4:14-15 NLT) Paul added this advice in 1 Corinthians 11:31, “But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment.” Simply put, it means we should put our own lives under the microscope, so to speak, asking God’s help in the process to correct those things that are amiss and not wait till others point out our mistakes.
It has been proven time and again, and you have probably experienced it yourself, that we can be criticized even when we think we are doing right. Nevertheless, if and when it happens, it is not an excuse for us to give up on trying to live the right way. Our reputations are important enough that they may one day be the deciding factor in someone’s life in determining if they will pursue a life in Christ or forget about it altogether. If others continue saying unkind and unflattering things about us, should we care? Yes! Yes we should!
Memory verse for the week: (2 Timothy 2:24) “And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
I have heard many, many sermons and bible studies about the story found in the 10th Chapter of Luke regarding Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus, but to be honest, I don’t recall anyone ever portraying Martha in a good light. In fact, some pastors and teachers have gone to great lengths in discrediting and maligning her. Though they bring out good points in doing so, the majority of them fail to mention her good character traits, much less commend her for them. Today, I will try to do the latter. Here is the account: Jesus and His Disciples came to dinner at Martha’s house in Bethany, a village about two miles from Jerusalem. While Martha was overly busy and preoccupied with accommodating all her guests, Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet while He taught those assembled. Martha became agitated at the thought of her “lazy” sister not helping her so she came to Him, probably interrupting His discourse, saying: "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself ? Tell her to help me!" (verse 40) Jesus replied, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (verses 41-42)
Interestingly, the name Martha means bitter and provoking, and to many, it seems to justify her parents decision to name her that. She was probably a widow and the eldest of the family and very likely Mary and Lazarus lived with her. If Martha strikes you as being bossy and aggressive, aren’t the oldest siblings usually the ones who take charge of the family’s matters, sometimes even when the parents are still alive? Nevertheless, permit me to single out the good points I see in her, for she wasn’t all bad as some would lead you to believe. For starters, how about her apparent willingness to host and feed a crowd? Jesus hardly ever went anywhere without His Disciples and many others who just tagged along. Would we be so willing to do the same, especially when our guests arrive without warning, as seemed to be the case on this occasion? How about her willingness to constantly have Him at her home even though she was aware that His presence there put her and the rest of her family in danger? On the day when they heard that Jesus was coming, four days after her brother Lazarus’ death, she was the first to go out and meet Him while Mary stayed at home. (See John 11:20) How about her faith in Christ and in His power? These are her words in the next two verses " If you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask." How about her complaint about her sister Mary? Did it not arise due to her sincere desire to provide the best for her Savior? Would not the world be a little bit better if there were more people who have this mindset?
Okay, now lets consider her sin, if it be called that: She worried more than she should have about serving Christ and thought others should serve Him with the same energy and zeal as her. When they did not, she became frustrated and vexed her own heart in the process. Everyone who serves the Lord can have a “Martha” moment, Peter did too. (See John 21:20-22) But know this: The Lord will side with and comfort those that have been offended, not so much those who offend. The great Bible Commentator, Matthew Henry wrote:“ He will be the patron of the poor and injured, but not of the turbulent and injurious.” Even so, Jesus, because He loved her dearly, was gentle with her and tried to reason with her for her own good. I hate to sound negative but apart from Christ’s power to transform, people like Martha have very little hope of ever changing. In the end, however, this categorizes people like her: “You can’t do with them, and you can’t do without them.” If you have people like her in your life, thank God for them because their "good" easily outweighs their "bad."
Memory verse for the week: (2 Timothy 2:24) “And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”