Tuesday, 3/11/14
Since I don’t pay too much attention to the political scene, some may fault me for it and conclude that I am unpatriotic. I understand why they would feel that way, but their perception would be in error for I am proud to be an American and I still experience tears, goose bumps, and a lump in my throat every time I see scenes involving our flag or our heroes. The reason I don’t delve more deeply into such matters is that I my involvement in church or family related responsibilities takes up the majority of my time. To be honest, I feel that God’s ministers can easily be sidetracked or distracted from faithfully fulfilling their obligations if they get overly involved with any issue outside their calling. Nevertheless, I think I am as much aware of political happenings as most voters.
Still, there is one particular political constant that always strikes me as being odd, maybe even irritating. I suspect most of you have noticed, and wonder if you share my sentiment. This is what I’m referring to: At the conclusion of a candidate’s speech, we always have experts from both major parties explain to us what he or she said. It is odd that their interpretations are so different, and sometimes makes us wonder if they were even paying attention.
I chose this topic today because while at the eye clinic last week, I heard one projected candidate actually make a remark that was rather refreshing. In fact, it is good advice for all followers of Christ. He told the members of his party that it was time to let the American people know what they were for, not against. Whether they follow his advice or not remains to be seen. We all know Christians that are always ready to tell the world what God is against, instead of what He’s for. There is a line in the Casting Crowns’ song, “Jesus, Friend Of Sinners”, that expresses this sentiment. It says: “Nobody knows what we're for only against when we judge the wounded. What if we put down our signs, crossed over the lines and loved like You did?” Surely, God is against sin. The main message of the bible, however, is not His justice, but rather His love for mankind. Lets stop projecting a negative message. I am positive that Jesus wants us to be positive, not negative.
Memory verse for the week: Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.