Thursday 4/24/14
In Pastor Ruben’s bible class last night we were reminded about the countless promises God has given His children. He also reminded us of this truth: God is not like us, He fulfills all His promises. The Bible advises us not to make any promises. It is a very unwise thing to do for even people with the highest level of integrity can never be certain they will be able to keep them because they may not even be alive the following day. Not so with God, He is eternal. One of God’s great promises to His children concerns the temptations of life. God has promised us that in every temptation we encounter, He will make a way of escape for us. (See 1 Corinthians 10:13) That’s the good part! The bad part is that we don’t always take the escape route God has provided, and because we don’t, we often fall to the temptation.
In one of my favorite Psalms, David, speaking of God’s judgments or ordinances, said this: By them is your servant warned; and in keeping them there is great reward. (Psalm 19:11) David knew this promise well: God’s (Word) judgments serve us as a warning of the dangers all around us. There is a great reward for those who walk in them but no guarantee for those who choose to be the captains of their own lives and destinies. It is like those who have been prescribed medications for a serious medical condition but are slack in taking them because they think they know better than their doctor. They have a better plan and follow that instead. Then they die suddenly and many of their friends and family can’t believe it. In fact, they will even think it was the doctor’s fault. Some will even use this well-worn lament: “He (she) didn’t deserve this.”
Because I believe in Philippians 4:8, I choose to believe that none of this blog’s readers are like that, and even if you’re slacking a bit, that you will make a great comeback. You will choose not to walk far from God because you know the value and importance of praying, reading your bible, and attending church regularly. Because you have a healthy level of fear and respect for God, you will give Him your best. You know that when you do, things will go so much better for you and you will reap the great reward David wrote about.
Memory verse for the week: (1 John 5:4) for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.