Friday 6/13/14
Like many people my age, I have gotten to the point where visual reminders are a necessary part of my life. For example, because I don’t drink as much water as I should, I need to place bottles or glasses of water in places where I know I will see them. The same goes with the medications I take on a daily basis. I also need to leave notes in conspicuous places to remind me of my errands or chores. For people my age, writing notes and checking them regularly are important. It reminded me of the story of an elderly couple who was enjoying a nice afternoon while sitting on their porch watching the world go by. The lady suddenly remarked to her husband, “You know what would be good right now? A nice bowl of ice cream with strawberries and pecan bits.” When the man replied, “I’ll go fix you some”, she told him to write it down for she knew he was very forgetful. He assured her that was not necessary and went inside to follow through on his plan. He took more time than expected and when he walked out of the house, he came back with some bacon and eggs on a plate. She looked at them for a few seconds and then said, “Where’s the toast?”
Visual reminders play a big part in our lives regardless of our age. Think about this: Do you ever walk into a clothing store and when you see certain shirts, dresses, slacks, hats, or shoes it immediately reminds you of a certain person in your life? Oftentimes, when that happens, your first instinct is to say a little prayer for them. Perhaps, when looking in the closet for something to wear, you will spot an article of clothing belonging to someone very dear and near to you who is now in Heaven. When that happens, you may shed a tear or two, or even remember the beautiful times you shared together. On the other hand, there are some people who immediately discard the clothes of a deceased loved one because they don’t think they will be able to stand the pain when they see them.
For me, among the best visual reminders in my life are the bread and the cup we see when we celebrate the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper in church. Seeing them reminds me of the One who loves me the most and the upcoming glorious day when I will see Him, be able to personally thank Him for what He did for me, and live with Him forever. What a great day that will be! Did you see, or even hear, something today that reminded you of a dear friend or loved one? It didn’t happen by accident.
Memory Verse for the week: (1 Peter 2:9) But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.