Friday 6/27/14
All things in life, whether good or bad, come to an end. If you are on top of the world right now, and I hope you are, enjoy it, appreciate it, and make the most of it because it will come to an end. Then, when you leave the mountaintop experience and find yourself in the valley, this too will end. Before long, you’ll be back on top again, that is, if you belong to Jesus. That’s just the way life is; nothing in this world is forever. The thought of it could be depressing if we didn’t know that our God will be there for us whether we’re on the mountain or in the valley. Our strength, abilities, health, good looks, vitality, all of these will slowly fade away in this life. Again, the thought of it could trouble our hearts and minds were it not for the assurance that one day we’ll be living in a place where all good things will last forever. In Christ, losing these things should not worry or concern us.
There is one thing we should be concerned with, however. I am referring to losing valuable things before their time due to our own bad decisions or carelessness. In addressing a certain church who had lost much of their standing with Him, the Lord said: Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in my sight.(Revelation 3:2)
As I am writing this blog today, I have in my heart and mind some people I know who are presently in a precarious situation and as far as I know, have done nothing or little to try to avoid losing out altogether. This message and admonition is for them and for anybody else who has lost something precious and is at the point of losing even more. I suppose that the older people get, the more they are aware of the importance of strengthening what they still have. We know some folks who have already lost much, but now they are at the point of losing their spouse, children, family, health, and more importantly their relationship with God and the joy and peace that go with it. If that is you, I pray you will wake up and do whatever you can before you lose even more. If it is not you but is somebody very near and dear to you, I trust you will pray for that person and, if God leads you, do whatever you can to see that he or she gets back on the right track as soon as possible. Time is running out.
Memory verse for the week: The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.— Psalms 19:7