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Pastor Joe and MaryHelen Martinez

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Wednesday, July 02 2014
Benefits Of Patience
Wednesday, 7/2/14 
       I went to the bank drive thru to make a deposit on Monday morning remembering that for whatever reason on that day, the transactions take a little bit longer. I was third in line in the lane I chose, behind a fellow in a service truck. After a few minutes, he got off his truck and came over to ask me if I could move back so that he could go to another lane because he was in a hurry, only had one transaction, and according to him, the lady in front of him was taking forever. I only had one transaction too but I willingly complied with his wishes. When I moved back, he quickly switched to the lane to our left that also had another vehicle in front of him. As soon as he positioned himself in the other lane, the lady that had been in front of him completed her transaction and I moved up to do mine. Within a couple of minutes my transaction was done and when I left he was still waiting behind the car in front of him in the adjacent lane. As I drove away, I wondered if he thought of a few choice words for me or for the bank, or both. My initial thought was “That’s what you get for being impatient” and then I felt bad for him remembering that patience had not been one of my virtues either not too long ago. I immediately lifted up a prayer for him, and I again thanked the Lord for the help He has given me with that issue.
       Ecclesiastes 7:8 tells us that the end of a matter is better than it’s beginning, and patience is better than pride. How perfectly did this verse speak concerning what I witnessed Monday morning. Had this man known the Lord and His ways, he would have known that all things turn out well for those who trust God and wait upon Him, regardless of what they may seem to be at the beginning. Patience would have rewarded him and served him well. Instead, his pride kicked him in the behind. “What pride?” you ask. It was his idea that his life is more important than all the others who were also waiting in line. It was his belief that his life is too important to be delayed by a bank. The truth is that he, along with the rest of us, desperately needs the patience that only God can give. It is a gift He so graciously gives to all His children. In fact it is one of the fruits of the Spirit of God that dwells in all believers. (See Galatians 5:22) As the Ragu TV commercial some years back used to say, “Its in there!”
       If you are among the many that could use help with the matter of patience, ask the Lord to help you. He will, and pretty soon you’ll be enjoying it’s benefits too.
Memory verse for the week: (Hebrews 10:25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 10:57 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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