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Pastor Joe and MaryHelen Martinez

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Wednesday, July 16 2014
Someone's Watching
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
There is a story in the 2nd Chapter of Exodus that tells of the time when Moses killed an Egyptian man whom he saw beating a Hebrew. Moses looked around and it seemed like no witnesses were around so he buried the Egyptian in the sand. Keep in mind that during that time Moses had been living with Pharoah's daughter who adopted him many years earlier when she found him in a basket floating in the Nile River. The day after he killed the Egyptian, Moses came upon two of his fellow Hebrews who were arguing. When he saw one of them start to beat the other, he intervened and asked him why he was hitting his fellow countryman. To his surprise, the man said: Who made you ruler and judge over us?
Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian? (Ex. 2:14) Upon hearing this, Moses knew that his secret was out. He was right, and when Pharoah heard about it and tried to kill him, Moses fled in fear to another country.
Several thousands of years have passed since that incident and today there are still people who live in continual fear of being exposed because they know someone knows something negative about their past. Could that be you, dear reader? The truth is that all of us have someone who not only knows about our past wrong doings, he snitches on us the moment we slip. This tattletale is none other than the devil himself. Speaking in the past tense about Satan's dealings with mankind, Revelation 12:10 tells us that when he was still loose upon the earth, he was the one who accused us before God day and night. Since his time has not yet come, that is what he is doing today.
If that is you, you can be set free today. When Jesus went to the cross He paid the penalty for our sins past, present, and future. Our present day sins can no longer send us into condemnation, (See Romans 8:1) although they still hold consequences for this life. This simply means that although we can suffer for them in this life, they can never deny us entry into Heaven. Today, when Christians sin, they will immediately be cleansed and forgiven the instant they confess it to God and ask to be forgiven. That being the case, don't let the devil, or anybody else for that matter, hold you prisoner any longer. Because of Christ, you are already free. Relax; live in peace, victory, and liberty. It is yours in Christ.
Memory verse for the week: (Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 11:29 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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