Thursday, July 17, 2014
A man was called in for a discussion with the school dean concerning his son's behavior. The dean told him: "Your son is incorrigible and all his teachers seem to think that he is a hooligan." The boy's father replied "Thanks for the compliment and no, we're not hooligans, we're Baptists." Obviously, he was not familiar with those less than favorable terms.
Speaking of the behavior of children, there is a very small book in the Bible that touches on that subject. It is not often mentioned or used by preachers in their studies or sermons but to me it is noteworthy nonetheless. It is the Apostle John's 2nd letter to the church. Primarily, the letter was a reminder to the church members to show their love for Christ by loving one another and living in obedience to God's Word, but there is also a reference about a certain lady's children. In verse 4, John writes: It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth,
just as the Father commanded us. As a pastor, I cannot adequately express the joy and pride I feel when I see how certain people live their lives. I am writing to such people in this blog. One of the first thoughts that comes to my mind when I see the way these folks treat others and conduct themselves is "their parents obviously brought them up the right way."
When Christ's followers exhibit good qualities such as honesty, integrity, courtesy, thoughtfulness, and humility, just to name a few, they are bringing Honor to God. They also bring honor and a good name to anyone to whom they are associated. That includes their parents and all family members, as well as their teachers, mentors, church, and even pastor(s) among others. Keep this in mind at the start of each new day: They way you'll be conducting yourself will be a reflection on anyone and anything you are associated with. You will either make them look good or look bad. I believe you'll make them look good.
Memory verse for the week: (Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.