Friday, September 12, 2014
As we were driving home yesterday morning, we saw three men walking down the street close to our neighborhood. It appeared 3 different generations were represented. They all had ties, were toting a small briefcase, and all had a somber look on their face as they went door to door. I’m sure you all know which particular organization I’m referring to. I very possibly could be wrong, but in all the years I’ve seen the people in this group, I don’t ever recall any of them being overly friendly, or looking happy and excited, and I’ve met very few people who speak in glowing terms about them. Perhaps that is one reason that many churches have abandoned the practice of going door to door to tell others about Jesus. For fear of being mistaken with this organization, they resort to other methods in their efforts to advance the message of the gospel.
Every time I see these folks, I wonder what motivates them to do what they do, although I’m pretty sure I know what it is. To be blunt and direct, they do it because they feel they have to, for if they don’t they won't have a part in the impending "new world". In other words they are doing it for their own benefit and not for others. I hope you don’t think they go door to door because they really love people and are genuinely concerned about their eternal wellbeing. And their main motivation is definitely not love, which happens to be the most excellent motivating factor of all. Paul wrote: “For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.”
Lets say someone did something special for you. Like the members of this group, they may have done it because they felt they had to. They may have done it because they felt sorry for you, or because they wanted to get something in return later on. They may have done it to impress you, get on your good side, or even because they respect you. Lastly, they may have done it simply because they love you. Which one of these reasons (motivating factors) would please you the most and be the most meaningful to you? Without a doubt, it would be the last one. It is no different when we serve God. It honors and pleases Him the most when we do what we do simply because we love Him. Love for God then translates into love for others. Never forget that what we do is not as important as the reason we do it. A line from a poem I wrote long ago says: “Its not what you do but the reason you do it.” If I ever find it again, I plan to share it with you.
Memory verse for the week: (John 4:23) “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”