Tuesday, October 20, 2015
I think it is safe to say that if you believe in God, you believe in miracles. I might add that, because we know Jesus, we see some that the world will seldom see. In fact, most people in the world don’t even know what a miracle really is. I hate to sound cruel, but many folks wouldn’t recognize one if it slapped them in the face. Then there are those who obviously don’t believe in God, yet they believe in miracles. You may have one or more of these in your own life. You might ask “How can that be?” Very simply, these are the bosses or supervisors who expect their work force to do miracles. They want them to do a task in one day, that normally would take a week. I can almost see some of you smiling already because you have or have had that exact type of boss in your own life.
Even among Christians, many only ascribe miracles to physical healings. We all tend to forget or ignore the miracles of the rebirth and the changed lives. How many times have we carelessly attributed escaping close brushes with death or calamities in our lives to luck, and sometimes when we speak to others about certain people we know, how often do we remark that reaching some of them for Christ would be impossible? We seem to forget the miraculous way in which we ourselves came to know Him. I understand that, humanly speaking, some folks are impossible cases, but once we are in Christ, we have crossed from the human realm into a new and wondrous world, one where even miracles are commonplace.
I just experienced a miracle yesterday. A certain person I know who, not too long ago, was telling others who know me that basically I was a fake and unworthy to consider myself a servant of God actually gave me a warm hug and told me “I love you.” I bet some of you have seen this type of miracle in your lives as well. Why, even the way we are made is a miracle in itself. Who, other than God, can make a machine as durable, precise, and intricate as the human body, one that can last a hundred years or more. Of that, David wrote: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14) And one starry night, upon considering God’s amazing creation and the fact that He condescends to mankind, he said, among other things, “What is man that thou art mindful of him?” (See Psalm 8) I hope that, if you haven’t seen one today already, you will see one of God’s mighty works. Come to think of it, if you are a genuine child of God, you yourself are a living miracle.
Memory verse for the week: (Romans 14:8) “If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”