Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Lord reminded me yesterday while we were praying at the altar at our weekly prayer gathering, of a situation that happens far too often in the lives of many Christians. Perhaps you’ve experienced it yourself at one time or another. I am referring to the many times when we have asked the Lord to help us in a situation which merits a crucial life decision on our part because we are not sure of the direction we must take. I know for a fact that on many occasions some who have asked me to pray for that type of situation have seen very clearly that the Lord opened the door they needed to open and walk through, yet they lacked the faith or the courage to do so. In many of these instances, the leading of the heart got in their way and denied them the victory God had wanted to grant them. I know I have said it a few times before but let me remind you anyway. The advice you hear often in the world to “follow your heart” is hogwash. The Bible makes it quite clear that we cannot trust the leading of our heart. Jeremiah 17:9 reads: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Did you see it’s clear message? Our hearts can and will deceive us. And whether our hearts or emotions are involved or not, the only good decisions we will ever make are the ones which are led by God’s Spirit.
I realize it is not always easy to take a leap of faith. It certainly wasn’t easy for Abraham when The Lord asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. I’m sure that, although He trusted God and followed through in obedience, Abraham’s heart was crushed all the while. Yet, because he did not permit his heart to deceive him, God blessed and favored him more than any other man before him. One thought that passes through my mind over and over again when I am praying for help in making an important life decision, is this: “God is faithful”, “God is faithful”, “God is faithful”, and another is the promise in Proverbs 3:6 which says: "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."
Child of God, allow me to give you this word of advice: If you find yourself in a situation which merits a tough decision, seek the Lord with all your heart. Ask Him to give you the exact direction you must take. Remember that, because He is faithful, He will open the door you must open and walk through. Ask Him to also give you the courage and the faith to follow through once you sense the door is open. Once you’ve made your decision and have taken the step of faith, don’t look back and don’t double guess yourself. The Lord will honor your faith and keep you safe because you have trusted Him.
Memory verse for the week: (Psalm 103:2) “Bless the Lord, o my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”