Friday, November 11, 2016
Our nation has set this day of the year apart to honor our military veterans. Although many parents and family members struggled with fear and uncertainty at the time they went out to serve in every part of the world, the fact that they were out defending us, gave millions of Americans a level of peace and comfort, helping them to sleep better at night just knowing it. Our nation, as it should be, is extremely grateful for our veterans and if you’ve seen them when they stand proudly with their hand over their heart every time our flag is waved in parades or any time our National Anthem is played and it doesn’t put a lump in your throat or produce a tear or two, I suspect there is something terribly wrong with you. Any normal American with an ordinary level of patriotism and love for our country will be moved when they witness scenes such as these. There is a certain You Tube video out there showing a group of old military veterans arriving at an airport, most of them in wheel chairs, and a big crowd of people cheering them as they pass by. It makes me cry every time I see it. If you haven’t seen it yet and happen to find it, I bet you’ll do the same.
After God, it was men and women in our military who made it possible for us to be free and, despite our many flaws, made this the greatest nation in the world today. Some of you who are reading this blog today are especially proud because your sister, brother, mom, dad, even a grandparent served in the military. For you, this day has a deeper and greater meaning.
One bible verse I employ at some funeral services definitely applies to our veterans. It is Romans 13:7, where the Apostle Paul wrote: “Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”In the case of our veterans, if nothing else, we owe them honor and respect. I pray you’ll take some time today to look up into the heavens and thank God for our veterans. And if you have a chance, perhaps you can thank one personally, expressing your respect and appreciation to him or her. Giving them a warm hug will be better still. Happy Veterans Day!
God’s Word for today: (Romans 12:10) “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”