Tuesday, September 5, 2017
This newspaper item caught my attention the day after Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast. The constable in a town very near the center of the hurricane’s initial path decided to stay and ride out the storm. When asked why, he replied that he was only doing what he was hired to do. Assuming that his answer was honest and sincere and regardless of whether it was a foolish or wise choice, he was the right person for the job. In the eyes of God, the determining factor in every decision is the motive of the heart. To say it in simple terms, “Its not what you do but the reason you do it.” In fact, the main reason God chose David to be king was because of his heart. Samuel told Saul: "But now your kingdom shall not continue. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart."(1 Samuel 13:14) The man Samuel was talking about was David.
Most bible readers can easily deduce that David was far from being a perfect man. He got himself into more ugly situations than most of us ever will. Yet, in spite of all his sins and errors, he continued to be a man after God’s own heart. He always wanted what God wanted. He would always be quick to stand up on His behalf. If there is a person in your life who is "after your own heart", you are blessed indeed. He or she is one who will truly be devoted to you, will stick with you no matter what, and never forsake you. If you have such folks in your life, you should thank God for them every day. At a friends funeral once, I heard a man say something to the effect of these words about him: “I would have gladly taken a bullet for him.” Think about this: If you could only chose one of these to be your friend, would you choose the wise one, the rich one, the popular one, the famous one, or the one devoted to you? I thought so. Are you that kind of friend?
God’s word for today: (Proverbs 17:17 NIRV/ New International Readers Version) “A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes.”