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Pastor Joe and MaryHelen Martinez

- Pastor MikePastor Ruben -

- Poems

Wednesday, March 25 2020

I’m not much of a gardener but there was one routine I had the few times I planted seeds of different things in the ground. Every day after that, I would go out to see if there was any evidence whatsoever that something was actually rising from the ground. Then, whenever I would see a tiny leaf appear I would get excited just to think that I actually grew something. It would remind me of this verse: Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. (James 5:7) Here’s what I was actually doing: Like the farmer in the verse, I was hopeful that I would soon see a good sign. Lately, that has been my desire and I suppose it is the same with many of you.        

       Every day when we see, hear, or read the news, everything just seems to be doom and gloom. This current Coronoavirus pandemic, in my opinion, has caused more harm to people’s emotional and mental well being than to their health. Like many of you, when I watch TV, I find myself avoiding the news channels and searching for whatever can capture my attention. To make things worse, I can’t even expect to see too many things in the sports channels either. I wake up each new day just hoping to hear some good news for a change. I am looking for the so-called light at the end of the tunnel, something to clearly indicate that the worst has passed. As you can see, that day has not yet come, but it will.

       I think this is a good time to remind ourselves where our focus should be. Lately, we have been focusing too much on the problem and not on the problem solver. You’ve heard about how some folks see a glass of water and say it is half empty and others see it as half full. Here is an example: Today, most people are talking about the many who have died from Coronavirus but very few mention that over 98 percent of those who get it in the U.S. recover from it. I know that was is happening is tragic, and I’m not trying to minimize the seriousness of this ordeal. However, let’s not focus on the negative and forget that there is also a positive side. God’s true children, are not led by what they see, hear, or even think but by their faith. Let’s not forget to exercise using our eyes of faith.

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 11:47 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, March 22 2020

 Bueno, aquí estamos en nuestro segundo domingo extraño, todavía tratando de darle sentido a esta terrible experiencia de Coronavirus. Realmente no me gusta estar ausente de la familia de mi iglesia y mis seres queridos y supongo que muchos de ustedes sienten lo mismo. Sin embargo, sé que todos volveremos a nuestra forma de vida normal en poco tiempo. Mientras tanto, no nos hemos quitado por completo porque aún podemos mantenernos en contacto a través de las muchas formas de comunicación actuales. Esta es una de ellas.  

       Como bien saben, desde el presidente en adelante, no solo no se permiten reuniones de 10 personas o más por el momento, incluso no se aconseja salir de nuestras casas. Aun así, todavía recibo llamadas de algunos miembros de nuestra familia preguntando si vamos a tener servicio. Tal vez se están haciendo ilusiones o de lo contrario podrían estar jugando conmigo. De cualquier manera, simplemente amo a nuestra gente. 

       Sobre ese tema, tal vez hayan escuchado que algunas iglesias están teniendo servicios como de costumbre. Algunos cristianos pueden decir "Bien por ellos. Confían en Dios y no dejan que un pequeño virus los asuste ". Todo debería ser tan simple. La verdad es que este problema no se trata de temor o de confiar en Dios. Muchos predicadores y cristianos de mente simple han muerto jugando con serpientes o venenos simplemente porque malinterpretaron y aplicaron mal Marcos 16:18 y lo tomaron literalmente. Puede haber una línea muy fina entre confiar en Dios y tentarlo, y entre valentía y estupidez. Otra cosa: si vamos a ganar a un mundo incrédulo para Cristo, no será por ser rebelde o hacer "lo nuestro". Más importante aún, tenemos este mandato de Dios: “Que todos estén sujetos a las autoridades de gobierno, porque no hay autoridad excepto la que Dios ha establecido. Las autoridades que existen han sido establecidas por Dios ". (Romanos 13:1) Cuando nos sometemos a todos los que están en autoridad, primero obedecemos y nos sometemos a Dios. Cuando lo hagamos, nos irá bien y eso es exactamente lo que estamos haciendo.

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 01:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, March 22 2020

 Well, here we are on our second weird Sunday, still trying to make sense of this Coronavirus ordeal. I really dislike being absent from my church family and loved ones and I suppose many of you feel the same way. Nevertheless, I know that we will all return to our normal way of life before too long. Meanwhile, we haven’t completely struck out because we can still stay in touch by way of today’s many forms of communication. This is one of them.

       As you are well aware, from the president on down, not only are gatherings of 10 people or more not allowed for the time being, even leaving our homes is not advised. Even so, I still get calls from our family members asking if we are going to have service. Maybe they’re doing some wishful thinking or else they may just be pulling my chain. Either way, I just love our people. 

       On that subject, maybe they have heard that some churches are having services as usual. Some Christians may say “Good for them. They are trusting God and not letting a little bug scare them.” Everything should be so simple. The truth is, this issue is not about fear or trusting God. Many simple minded preachers and Christians have died messing with snakes or poison simply because they misunderstood and misapplied Mark 16:18 and took it literally. There may be a very fine line between trusting God and tempting Him, and between courage and stupidity. Another thing: If we are going to win an unbelieving world for Christ, it won’t be by being rebellious or doing “our own thing.” More importantly, we have this mandate from God: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Romans 13:1) When we submit ourselves to all who are in authority, we are obeying and submitting to God first. When we do that, it will go well with us and that is exactly what we are doing.

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 01:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, March 21 2020

Muchos de ustedes han aprendido por experiencia que las canciones de adoración que cantamos y escuchamos en la iglesia tienen un mensaje mucho más significativo que las canciones del mundo. Aun así, a menudo cantamos estas canciones sin meditar en su mensaje y si alguna vez hubo un momento para cantar las canciones de Dios y dejar que su mensaje penetre en nuestros corazones y en nuestros seres, es ahora. Pueden brindar consuelo, alegría y paz en un tiempo como hoy, cuando son tan necesarias.
       Muchos de ustedes que están leyendo este blog están pasando por una tormenta muy difícil en este momento. La fe de cada hijo de Dios por todo el mundo se está poniendo a prueba en gran medida porque la terrible experiencia actual del Coronavirus nos está afectando a todos y a nuestros seres queridos de una manera u otra. Sin embargo, incluso en medio de una tormenta, siempre hay una o dos cosas positivas que resultan de ella. En el caso de mi esposa y yo, estamos más enfocados en nuestras necesidades de salud, estamos ahorrando bastante dinero porque estamos bajo "arresto domiciliario" y no comemos fuera, y estamos pasando más tiempo de calidad juntos. Me he lavado las manos tanto últimamente que mis manos parecen un pollo de goma.
       Volviendo al tema de los himnos y la música cristiana, recuerdo un pequeño coro en español que solíamos cantar que decía: "El gozo que tengo yo, el mundo no me lo dio, el mundo no me lo dió, y como no me lo dio, no me lo puede quitar ". El punto aquí es que los hijos de Dios no pueden dejar que el mundo, ni nada ni nadie, incluido este virus, nos robe el gozo. En mi imaginación, veo al hermano George "Coach" Leos en el escenario de la iglesia cantando: "There aint nothing gonna steal my joy/ No hay nada que pueda robar mi alegría". A ese sentimiento debemos todos decir "¡Amén, Amén y Amén!

La promesa de hoy: (Salmo 30: 5) "Porque su ira dura solo un momento, pero su favor dura toda la vida; el llanto puede quedarse por la noche, pero el regocijo vendrá por la mañana "

Posted by: AT 11:23 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Saturday, March 21 2020

March 21, 2020

       Many of you have learned by experience that the worship songs we sing and hear at church have a much more meaningful message than the songs of the world. Even so, we often sing these songs without meditating on their message and if there was ever a time to sing the songs of God and letting their message penetrate our hearts and soak into our beings, it is now. They can bring comfort, joy and peace at a time when it is so greatly needed 

      Many of you who are reading this blog are right now going through a very trying storm. The faith of every child of God is being greatly tested because the current Coronavirus ordeal is touching every one of us and our loved ones in one way or another. Yet, even in the midst of a storm there is always one or two positive things that result from it. In the case of my wife and I, we are more focused on our health needs, are saving quite a bit of money because we’re under “house arrest” and not eating out, and we are spending more quality time together. I’ve washed my hands so much lately, my hands look like a fake rubber chicken.

       Returning to the topic of hymns and Christian music, I am being reminded of a little chorus in Spanish we used to sing that said something like this: “The joy that I have, the world did not give it to me, and because the world did not give it to me, neither can it take it away.” The point here is that God’s children cannot let the world, anything, or anybody, including this virus, steal or joy. In my imagination, I am seeing Brother George “Coach” Leos up on the church stage singing: “There aint nothing gonna steal my joy.” To that sentiment we should all say “Amen, Amen, and Amen!

Today’s promise: (Psalm 30:5) “For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing will come in the morning.” 

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 11:13 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, March 20 2020

20 de marzo de 2020
       No todos los hijos de Dios lo admitirán, pero hay momentos, especialmente en medio de una crisis, cuando comenzamos a cuestionar la efectividad de nuestras oraciones a Dios. Supongo que muchos cristianos en todas partes ya han alcanzado un cierto nivel de frustración porque, para ellos, su petición para que Él detenga esta pandemia de Coronavirus en sus pistas aún no ha sido respondida. Uno de mis compañeros pastores dice que Dios solo tiene tres respuestas para nuestras oraciones, sí, no, y aún no. No importa cuál de las tres escucharemos, nunca debemos olvidar que el propósito del Señor siempre se cumplirá y su respuesta nos beneficiará al final. Además, mientras "esperamos en el Señor" tenemos el apoyo de su gracia, sin mencionar nuestra fe.
       La fe es uno de los preciosos regalos de Dios para sus hijos. Con él, podemos adquirir muchas victorias. Con eso, nos convertimos en vencedores. Juan escribió: “Porque todo lo que es nacido de Dios vence al mundo. Y esta es la victoria que ha vencido al mundo: nuestra fe ". (1 Juan 5: 4) La fe es como el dinero en el banco. Está ahí para que lo saquemos cuando lo necesitemos y no hay límite para lo que podemos sacar porque el Banco del Cielo nunca puede ir a la quiebra. Siempre estará disponible para nosotros. Desafortunadamente, no siempre lo aprovechamos y cuando no lo hacemos, Dios no puede estar satisfecho. Hebreos 11: 6 dice: "Y sin fe es imposible agradar a Dios, porque cualquiera que acuda a él debe creer que Él existe y que Él recompensa a quienes lo buscan fervientemente".

       Mis queridos hermanos, si alguna vez hubo un momento para que el pueblo de Dios orara con un corazón creyente y una determinación piadosa, es ahora. Y como creo que todos oraremos así, no tengo ninguna duda en mi mente de que no veremos grandes cosas dentro de poco.


Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 01:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, March 20 2020

Not all of God’s children will admit it but there are times, especially in the midst of a crisis, when we begin to question the effectiveness of our prayers to God. I suppose that many Christians everywhere have already reached a certain level of frustration because, to them, their petition for Him to stop this Coronavirus pandemic in it’s tracks has not yet been answered. One of my fellow pastors says that God only has three answers to out prayers, yes, no, and not yet. No matter which of the three we will hear, we must never forget that the Lord’s purpose will always be accomplished and His response will benefit us in the end. Additionally, while we “wait upon the Lord” we have the support of His grace, not to mention our faith.

       Faith is one of God’s precious gift to His children. With it, we can acquire many victories. With it, we become overcomers. John wrote: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” (1 John 5:4)  Faith is like money in the bank. It is there for us to draw from it whenever we need it and there is no limit to what we can take out because the Bank of Heaven can never go bankrupt. It will always be available to us. Unfortunately, we don’t always avail ourselves of it and when we don’t, God can’t be pleased. Hebrews 11:6 reads: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

       My fellow believers, if there was ever a time for God’s people everywhere to pray with a believing heart and a godly determination, it is now. And because I believe that we will all pray like that, there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that we won’t be seeing great things before too long. 

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 01:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, March 19 2020

       This is one of Pastor Mike's favorite bible verses: (2 Chronicles 7:14) "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." We must keep in mind that this message was originally given to God's people by way of King Solomon. From time to time, they had abandoned Him to serve many idols and false Gods. It was a reminder to them that, nonetheless, their God was a merciful and forgiving God. Well, He hasn't changed. Neither have His promises. 

       Like many of you, I have no idea why we are all going through this difficult time. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or else doesn't know God and His ways in the first place. To begin with, God is not asking us to understand Him, He wants us to trust Him. What we do know is what we see in this promise. As God's children, if we humble ourselves before Him, if we stop doing whatever we are doing that displeases and dishonors Him, and we pray with all the faith He Himself has deposited into our hearts, He will hear us, forgive us, and heal our land. Its a promise!

       In the 12th Chapter of the Book of Acts, we read of the time when the Apostle, Peter, was arrested and put in Prison by King Herod. Verse 5 reads: "So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him." You all know what happened after that. Peter was so miraculously freed from prison, that even those praying for him had a hard time believing it. I choose to believe that history will repeat itself because God's true children will pray today for this ordeal to end much sooner than what everyone expects. And it will! 

       One more thing: the more you, dear child of God, suffer because of this difficult trial, the sweeter will be your rejoicing when all this is over. I hope to be with you again tomorrow.

PS: Thank you so much everybody for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf. They have helped us tremendously and mean so much to us.     

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 02:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, March 19 2020

19 de marzo de 2020
       Este es uno de los versículos favoritos del Pastor Mike: (2 Crónicas 7:14) "Si mi pueblo, que lleva mi nombre, se humilla y ora, y me busca y abandona su mala conducta, yo lo escucharé desde el cielo, perdonaré su pecado y restauraré su tierra.". Debemos tener en cuenta que este mensaje fue originalmente dado al pueblo de Dios por medio del Rey Salomón. De vez en cuando, lo habían abandonado para servir a muchos ídolos y dioses falsos. Les recordó que, sin embargo, su Dios era un Dios misericordioso y perdonador. Bueno, el Señor no ha cambiado. Tampoco sus promesas. 

       Como muchos de ustedes, no tengo idea de por qué todos estamos pasando por este momento difícil. Cualquiera que diga lo contrario está mintiendo o no conoce a Dios y sus caminos en primer lugar. Para empezar, Dios no nos pide que lo entendamos, Él quiere que confiemos en Él. Lo que sí sabemos es lo que vemos en esta promesa. Como hijos de Dios, si nos humillamos ante Él, si dejamos de hacer lo que estamos haciendo que lo desagrada y lo deshonra, y oramos con toda la fe que Él mismo ha depositado en nuestros corazones, Él nos escuchará, nos perdonará y sanará. nuestra tierra. ¡Es una promesa! 

       En el Capítulo 12 del Libro de los Hechos, leemos sobre el tiempo en que el Apóstol Pedro fue arrestado y puesto en prisión por el Rey Herodes. El versículo 5 dice: "Entonces Pedro fue mantenido en prisión, pero la iglesia estaba orando fervientemente a Dios por él". Todos ustedes saben lo que sucedió después de eso. Peter fue tan milagrosamente liberado de la prisión, que incluso aquellos que oraron por él tuvieron dificultades para creerlo. Elijo creer que la historia se repetirá porque los verdaderos hijos de Dios orarán hoy para que esta prueba termine mucho antes de lo que todos esperan. ¡Y lo hará!
       Una cosa más: Querido hijo de Dios, cuanto más sufras a causa de esta difícil prueba, más dulce será tu regocijo cuando todo esto termine. Espero estar contigo de nuevo en poco tiempo.  

PD: Muchas gracias a todos por sus pensamientos y oraciones. Nos han ayudado enormemente y significa mucho para nosotros.

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 11:42 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, August 24 2018


       Have you ever heard the expressions, “IF is a very big word” or “IF changes everything”? Many will go on to try to explain the phrase by adding something corny like: “IF frogs had wings, they wouldn’t bump their behind on the ground so much.” The general idea is that a little word can make a big difference, even change everything. Reading Psalms 4 earlier today, David added a little word to the last verse (8) that, at least in my estimation, clarified the verse dramatically. The word I am referring to is the word “both.” It reads: “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.” (KJV) Many of the newer bible translations leave out the word “both.”

       Here’s why I think that word (both) is important: To me, David was simply saying “Not only will I sleep good, I will sleep in peace.” As I read that verse earlier today, I immediately remembered an old close friend whom I tried several times to win for Christ. He would constantly say something like: “Don’t worry about me, I sleep well at night.” To be honest, back then I couldn’t figure out how a person without Jesus in his heart could sleep well at night. That question was answered not too long after when I started on a new work schedule. Because of it, for twenty years after that, my daily routine featured long hours at work and an average of four hours of sleep daily. I know that it is important, but it is hard for me not to think sometimes that perhaps sleep may be overrated because I was able to function for twenty years despite the lack of it.

       Oh, here’s what I learned: being able to sleep soundly at night doesn’t mean all that much. There are many who are able to fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow. Sleeping soundly and sleeping in peace can be two different things. Many who sleep well, will get up irritable, groggy, and sometimes even scared in the morning because they had a terrifying dream. This very seldom happens to God’s true children. Regardless of the hours of sleep they receive, they are at peace during the day because they slept in peace during the night. The word “both” in today’s verse made a big difference, but Christ in our hearts makes a bigger difference still. Trust Him with all your heart and you may even see the difference in the quality of your sleep.

Gods word for today: (Psalm 149:5) “Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds.”

Posted by: Joe Martinez AT 08:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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