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The Quickest Learners
A little boy was very excited when his mom picked him up from Pre-Kinder class one afternoon because he had been taught to count. His mom tells him: "Okay Timmy, start counting." He counted from one to five, so his mom told him: "That was very good Timmy, keep going." The little boy replied, "there's more?" Of course, we can't learn it all in one day. Still, you may be surprised how quiclky children can learn. That is one of the reasons why bible teaching is so important. The first experience I had in a bible class was over 50 years ago, and I still remember the songs and the Bible verses I memorized
back then. As a child, I didn't understand exactly what they meant, but as the years passed, they became clear enough for me to realize that I had drifted and  needed to come back to God. Children are the quickest,  and often the best learners. Are you teaching the children in your life about God?
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