Did you hear the story about the man who was trying to train his horse to eat just one bag of oats daily? Just about the time that the horse was beginning to getting used to it, he died. The point is very clear: lack of nourishment can be fatal. Jesus said: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matt 4:4) Another obvious point with this verse is: just as the body needs nourishment, so does the soul. I hope the beginning corny story was funny, but the truth is that starvation is no laughing matter. If it is an awful thing physically, it is worse in the spiritual. Christians can get their souls nourished anywhere, but there is no better place for it than in church. It is the same with eating a good meal. Most of us enjoy it more, when we have it with family and friends. Some people are the happiest after a good meal. Come to church. You'll get fed and leave happy. Pardon the well-worn cliché, but "7 days without church makes one weak."