Tuesday 7/15/14
I believe you all know some people who are always giving gifts to others. I bet that the moment you realized I was writing about gift givers, a few people you know immediately came to mind. Obviously, they enjoy doing it or else they wouldn’t keep on doing it. And I’m not referring to folks who are well off financially and are constantly being solicited for help or donations, I’m talking about those who give simply because they love doing it or because they just love people. I’ve known many people like that in my lifetime; some of them are now living in Heaven. These folks are not easy to forget and many of them are the type that when you visit them, you know you’re not going to leave without them giving you something. Have you ever wondered why they do it? I’m no expert but I believe that, in most cases, they were born that way, as a popular phrase of today says, “Its in their DNA.” However, many other gift givers have been led of God to start the practice and have learned the joy and fulfillment one gets when they give things to others. It is the same feeling parents get when they see the expressions on their children’s faces after they’ve opened that special gift they had dreamed about.
I thank the Lord for the gift givers I know and have known. They truly are the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” Jesus spoke of in His Sermon on the Mount. They add flavor and spice to this old world and light up many people’s lives. I know for a fact that some of you who are reading this blog today rightfully belong in this category. Because of it, you have many friends and admirers. In fact, the Bible suggests that many people would love to be friends with you. Proverbs 19:6 KJV says, Many will intreat the favour of the prince: and every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts. Not only that, gift givers have an overly generous spirit. Proverbs 21:26 KJV says: “The righteous giveth and spareth not.” In other words, when they give, they don’t hold back. I believe my children and grandchildren all know I use that phrase quite a bit myself. Whenever we find ourselves at a buffet type restaurant, I will often tell them, “Whatever you do, don’t hold back.”
Whether it is giving gifts or doing things for others, God gives a special joy to those who do it. Just yesterday, one of you shared with me that some person you did not know, just went over to your table and picked up your restaurant tab. You didn’t know why but perhaps it was because they saw you when you bowed your head and thanked the Lord for your meal, another excellent practice. If you are a gift giver and/or love doing things for others, keep on doing it. There are fewer things better than that to honor God. If you haven’t begun that practice in your own life, let me remind you that it doesn’t have to involve expensive things; any little old thing will do. When you do, you’ll see for yourself the joy that it will bring you.
Memory verse for the week: (Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved .