Last Wednesday's little bible quiz that I gave you was so well accepted I thought I'd bring you another one today for the sake of popular demand. Actually, only one of you said you loved it and added "Keep em comin", but it can be a nice break from your normal routine nonetheless and may even help you brush up a little on your bible knowledge. Though I suspected more than one of you aced the first one, no one reported it. Even so, I hope many of you will tell us how you did this time around. Ready? Here goes:
1. What was the name of David’s father - Abinidad / Malchus / Jesse / Josiah
2. What was the occupation of Joseph, Mary’s husband and father of Jesus - Carpenter / fisherman / tax collector / brick layer
3. Jesus’ most famous sermon was His sermon on the ________ - Boat / Shore / Water / Mount
4. What was the name of Sarah’s husband - Abraham / Lot / Moses / Eli
5. Which of these duos was not father and son - Saul and Jonathan / James and John / Adam and Seth / Jacob and Levi
6. Jesus was betrayed with ______ pieces of silver. - 30 / 45 / 60 / 23
7. The Lord spoke to Moses through a burning _______ - Wheel / Bush / Tree / Well
8. Leah was a _______ of Jacob - Daughter / Cousin / Wife / Sister
9. Joseph became a governor in _______ - Moab / Babylon / Egypt / Midian
10. Who survived a night in a den of lions ? Daniel / Shadrach / Jeremiah / Joshua
11. Who is called “the accuser of the brethren?” - Saul / Satan / Ahab / Jeroboam
12. Which King tried to kill David? - Herod / Darius / Saul / Pharoah
13. In which Psalm do the words “surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” appear ? - 91 / 23 / 119 / 100
14. Who was Jezebel ? - The wife of King Ahab / A daughter of Solomon / The sister of Jacob / The mother of Joseph
15. The Wise Men’s gifts to the baby Jesus were gold, frankincense, and ______ - Incense / myrrh / silver / Aloe
16. What was Peter’s occupation when he met Jesus? - Fisherman / Tax collector / Judge / Politician
17. What city’s wall fell when Joshua’s army marched around it ? - Damascus / Jericho / Babylon / Jerusalem
18. Who succeeded David as king? - Solomon / Jehoshaphat / Amos / Nathan
19. Who told God “My punishment is more than I can bear ? - Satan / Cain / Lot / Saul
20. Who is buried in Rachel’s tomb? - Leah / Sarah / Dolly Madison / Rachel
Memory verse for the week (Hebrews 3:7-8 KJV) “Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith , To day if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness.”
1. Jesse 2. Carpenter 3. Mount 4. Abraham 5. James and John 6. 30 7. Bush 8. Wife 9. Egypt 10. Daniel 11. Satan 12. Saul 13. 23 14. Wife of King Ahab 15. Myrrh 16. Fisherman 17. Jericho 18. Solomon 19. Cain 20. Rachel